5 (out of the many) QUALITIES I HATE IN PEOPLE

Recently, I came across some situations that gave me an idea for something to write about (as if I weren’t already flooded with them! :P). Today, I thought I would write on 5 qualities/characteristics I HATE in people (anyone and everyone). So, here goes.

5 Qualities I hate in People (in no particular order)

1. PESSIMISM – This would be the first to come to my mind, without a doubt. I totally loathe pessimistic people. I cannot stand people who keep lamenting about how their life sucks, how they are not good enough, how they are fat, how they are…I get a headache just thinking about them.

Is the glass half-full or half-empty?

They say ‘An optimist invented the airplane and a pessimist invented the parachute’. Cool. Cheers to whoever invented it (the parachute, that is). But, tell me, does anyone bother to remember him? Is he ever mentioned in the textbooks or in the pages of history with a considerable significance which will match that of the Wright brothers? Yeah, good that he invented the parachute but that doesn’t seem to have done much for him. Optimistic people are the ones who keep hope alive, struggle on and reach for the stars! I hate pessimists, especially the ones who are pessimistic about themselves and their lives.

2. DOUBLE CHARACTER – I don’t know how they do it but some people are REALLY good at maintaining double characters. They talk all sugary in front of you and then, with the next person they meet, bitch about you. I’m someone who hates pretense…and maybe that’s why I don’t like others pretending with me, either. It undermines their self-worth as well as their worth in others’ perceptions.

3. DISHONEST BEHAVIOUR – Now, I won’t say I have never lied. And I won’t say I will never lie, either. But there is an extent to how dishonest one can be, whatever maybe the relationship. I hate it when my close friends or dear ones lie to/hide something from/cheat me. I try my best not to do it myself and I have always done what I can to correct my mistake, when I have been dishonest. I believe that one should treat others in the way one wants to be treated by others. I’m a person who tries my maximum to stick to that policy. Which is why I don’t like dishonest behaviour. As simple as that!

4. SNOBBISH BEHAVIOUR/MATERIALISTIC GREED/BOASTING/EXCESSIVE PRIDE – It’s really weird to hear people brag and talk so highly about themselves or about their materialistic possessions. They could lose everything within the next moment. Yet they go on with their boasting and their greed for more. I detest it…and I wish I could knock some sense into such people. Someday, hopefully!

5. TAKING ADVANTAGE OF OTHERS – I am not at all good at saying a firm ‘NO’ when the situation requires it. And I don’t react much to bad/unfavourable situations. Because of these very reasons, I can be easily taken advantage of. I really am trying to react or say NO when I don’t like something. Anyhow, I hate people who use or take advantage of others, for whatever reason it maybe. It is such an unbecoming act – using a person’s weakness to your advantage.

So…these are the 5 qualities I hate in people. There are many more too…like excessive paranoia, being nosy, being biased, selfishness, over-dominating behaviour, not respecting a person’s privacy…the list doesn’t end here. But I assumed 5 would be enough for now…enough bitching for the day, that is. You can take over, though… What do you hate in others? 😀

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