Just Another Perfect Day

You know what I hate about my work? Not dislike or disapprove. But truly hate? The fact that it has robbed me of time for myself, my

At work, this is how I’ve felt every day of the past one week…(for different reasons, obviously)

passions and people who matter. I don’t remember when was the last time I got to be by myself, just enjoy some solitude and peace, doing what I feel like. I can’t recall when was the last time I spent a truly happy, relaxing weekend by myself. I miss writing, blogging and reading. I miss the touch of my books…the feel of pen running over paper…the exhilaration of fingers falling over the keys and forming coherent words on the screen. I miss spending time with friends, talking to them.

Last day, I was writing in my diary after a long time. And I realized how much I miss writing. It has been a long time since I wrote out what’s in my head. And my head’s never devoid of thoughts, I’m sure you know. It was never (and never will be) the lack of thoughts that caused this gap. After a tiring, draining day at work, there’s only so much energy in you…and the time and zeal are so not enough to help me stay up.

But I noticed something very surprising, during the past two weeks. Almost every day after my previous post, my daily stats have crossed the usual numbers. Which is super-awesome…and inspiring, in some ways, since I’m getting a good number of visitors when I haven’t posted in around 2 weeks.

Today morning, after a long, long time, I’m alone. My roommate left for work by 5:30am, after waking me up. The others have gone home and will be back sometime today. Taking hold of the awesome opportunity, I got up early. After finishing off some chores, I thought I would sit out in the balcony area and, perhaps, enjoy the morning. Sunshine, breeze, clear blue sky (after a heavy rain). And, coffee. But then, that’s what I do every morning. And so, for a change, I’m listening to some awesome music and letting out those pent-up thoughts of past two weeks (some of them, that is).

I have been through a super-difficult week at work. It has taken a toll on my happiness and peace of mind. At a certain point, I was almost on the verge of quitting. But then, I wondered, “Is this all I can endure? If I don’t have the strength to go through something as silly as work pressure, how can I ever be able to live through life?” And I had made my decision. It’s true that I miss a lot of significant things. But I know that this will pass… Passion is not something that leaves you one fine day. If it did, it wouldn’t be called passion. Like I’m doing now, I’ll always come back to what means most to me. How could I not? When this is what makes me ‘ME’ – the power to put
crazy thoughts into words and the nerve to put it out in the open for all to see.

[About to hit the ‘Publish’ button, and I think : “Whoa! That felt great. Brilliant way to start the week.”] 🙂

Someone And Me


I always have weird moments of revelation. Like, one moment of sudden clarity and I see something I’ve been overlooking.

I came across (more like stumbled across) someone. I don’t want to say someone ‘special’ because that would be so cliché. Special is no longer very special, I guess. So, like I said, I’ve come across someone. Someone I knew for a long time. I used to see this person on a daily basis (or so), once upon a time. And the first time we communicated was two weeks ago. It’s super weird. But life has its own ways of bringing people together, when the time is right.

So, this someone and I have been exchanging mails; started chatting recently. And we have realized how similar our interests and thoughts are. Our conversations are unique, amusing. We talk about thoughts, beliefs, experiences… We share bits of new information, send each other interesting links and songs. And he introduced me to two awesome sites! One of them is 8tracks.com and I’m already in love with it. 

So, what drove me to write this post? I was wondering what to blog about, while listening to songs (in the above mentioned site) and reading a post (the ‘someone’ shared the link to the post – What others leave for you to keep). It talks about relationships, the role people play in our lives. And it struck me – all that I was doing was somehow connected to this someone. The song, the article, the thought. And I knew I should be blogging about this.

About how people come into your life. And leave, someday, sooner or later. When they leave, you retain a bit of them; you know they have changed your life. Sometimes, when someone steps into your life, you know they are bound to leave. Yet you let them become a seamless part of your days. You make it difficult for yourself to let go, to let them leave.

I’ve made some new friends. And the best one (among them) has chosen to leave, already. We no longer have awesome conversations or share experiences. The friendship we had has come down to occasional smiles and random greetings, sometimes extending into a “How are you?” I can’t explain how it happened, but it did. Perhaps, the person was meant to leave, and all I can do is let go. Let go of a person who has touched me in ways beyond comprehension. But then, when you think about it…maybe people leave to make way for others to enter your life.

I don’t know when this ‘someone’ will step out of my life. For now, I love the bond we share. The links. The words. The music. The thoughts.

A Labour Of Love (& Friendship & Lots More)

I hope I don’t turn into this full-time movie reviewer (or whatever those people are called!). Anyway, there’s a movie that I want to mention (in detail, that is). It’s not exactly a movie movie. It’s a short film named ‘Vazhikatti’ (a Malayalam word meaning someone/something that shows/guides you to a path), created by the final year boys of two classes at my college (most of them being my classmates). Why I’m doing this is because I know the efforts they put into this venture, and I want to do what I can to contribute to it, no matter how small or insignificant it maybe. And writing a post about it seemed like a great idea to me. 🙂

Let me first introduce you to the person who directed this short film – Shalu V.S.

Mekhavarnan (protagonist), Shalu (director) & Abraham (supporting actor)

He is an extremely talented young man, around 21 years of age, and aspires to be a movie director someday. He is so dedicated to fulfilling his dreams and has such awesome ideas. Since we’ve been in the same class for 3 whole years, I know how much this means to him and to the whole crew, which is exactly why I feel so strongly about supporting their efforts. Knowing each one of them makes a huge difference in the way I see the film, because they are guys I talk to and spend time with, on a daily basis. Used to, that is (since college is over).

Let’s get to the movie, shall we? So, Vazhikatti is basically a Malayalam short film (duration: approx. 30 minutes) that conveys a meaningful message. It might not be anything extraordinarily new, it’s nothing that you haven’t seen before. Sometimes, when we are busy travelling a certain path, we forget to look around…and most often, need to be guided onto the right path by someone. It could be a random person, a passer-by, a friend, a relative, anyone. This is the concept behind the movie. It revolves around the life and dreams of Mekhavarnan ,  the protagonist, and portrays how he  becomes successful, helped by a simple advice.

While it may not be anything incredibly notable, if you watch it, keeping in mind that it was done by a bunch of 20 or 21-year-old students (who have a lot of other things to be busy with), I think you will realize the level of their talent. Anyway, I loved the acting, even though their inexperience/unease before the camera is kinda evident in some scenes. The dialogue delivery could have been improved; it seems sort of forced and less natural. Mekhavarnan (the main character) has done a great job; in fact, I guess everyone gave it their best! Even those who did the supporting roles have done it with a dedication that surprised me. 🙂 I was impressed by the cinematography, done by Dhanish. He is one of my very good friends… and man! I was amazed by his work! He is the fun, easy-going kind but when it comes to something to do with a camera, photos, editing and the like, he surprises you completely! Loved his work in the movie! Anooj, another genius in these aspects (& an ardent movie-lover), has done the VFX and hats off to him! I don’t know how he works magic with visuals, but he does it, and he does it great!

Shalu, Martin & Dhanish

The music by Basil & team is beautiful! No other word to describe it better! I loved the background score in so many scenes, and the song (at the end) is strikingly impressive, coming from such young (& amateur) guys! When it comes to direction, Shalu has been completely dedicated and totally into it since the beginning. He has done a great job. For someone so young and lacking in experience, I was awed by his knowledge and ideas. He has a very clear idea about what he wants, what he has to do…and puts in his mind, body and soul into what he does. I sincerely hope his dreams come true. All of us (girls at hostel) keep talking about how, someday soon, we might be watching his movie and commenting about how we were classmates once. 😀

I know I haven’t named everyone who worked behind the movie, nor commented on every aspect of it. Anyway, thumbs up to the whole crew behind Vazhikatti. There are flaws, imperfections. But they have done their best and the outcome is awesome! 🙂 The movie is in Malayalam, and although subtitles are provided, I suppose not all of you might enjoy watching it. Anyhow, do try to watch it, if you can. But above all, please support and encourage them in their future ventures!

For those of you who would like to watch it, here’s the link: